The Hydro Archon Furina, aka Focalors, is scheduled to arrive in Genshin Impact's 4.2 update. It is expected that she will be featured during the first half of version 4.2 alongside Baizhu. She is speculated to be a Sword-wielding 5-star Hydro character and will be released along with her signature weapon, rumored to be called Splendor of Tranquil Waters.
Those who wish to obtain the Hydro Archon can keep track of the release date via the countdown given ahead.
Genshin Impact 4.2 Furina banner countdown and release date
The Hydro Archon Furina, aka Focalors, is expected to be released in the first half of Genshin Impact's 4.2 update on November 8, 2023, and will remain available till November 29, 2023.
As per recent leaks from HxG, she will appear on the limited-time character banners of Phase I with Baizhu (5-star Dendro). The delightful reporter Charlotte (4-star Cryo), who was drip-marketed with Furina, is also expected to get a rate-up on the first half banners.
Fans can refer to the countdown above to keep track of Furina's release date and time. It is important to note that the release time for Genshin Impact's 4.2 update and Hydro Archon will vary worldwide depending on the player's timezone. So, maintenance timings for all major regions are listed below:
- PST, UTC -7: November 8 from 3 pm to 8 pm
- MST, UTC -6: November 8 from 4 pm to 9 pm
- CST, UTC -5: November 8 from 5 pm to 10 pm
- EST, UTC -4: November 8 from 6 pm to 11 pm
- BST, UTC +1: November 9 from 11 pm to 4 am
- CEST, UTC +2: November 9 from 12 am to 5 am
- MSK, UTC +3: November 9 from 1 am to 6 am
- IST, UTC +5:30: November 9 from 3:30 am to 8:30 am
- CST, UTC +8: November 9 from 6 am to 11 am
- JST, UTC +9: November 9 from 7 am to 12 pm
- AEST, UTC +10: November 9 from 8 am to 1 pm
- NZST, UTC +12: November 9 from 10 am to 3 pm
After the maintenance period is over, you can expect to receive 600 Primogems and other rewards as compensation.
Stay tuned to Sportskeeda for more information about the Hydro Archon Furina in Genshin Impact.
Poll : Are you saving Primogems for Furina?
469 votes
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